Sunday 25 February 2018

Message Title: I Shall Not Die A Victim Of Satanic Syndrome.

Message Title: I Shall Not Die A Victim Of Satanic Syndrome.

Syndrome is a medical term used to refer to group of infections or problems resulting in malfunctioning of any part of the body.

Spiritual syndrome is a problem causing multiple problems in the same body. Spiritual syndrome manifests in fear, sickness, and worry and in extreme case death.

A victim is someone suffering because of the action of other people; he/she can be seen as one suffering from a problem he/she knew nothing about. In other words, a victim can be seen as one suffering from the effects of actions of others. Furthermore, victim can be seen as one paying for the havoc he or she did not commit.

Victim Syndrome is something that attracts dishonour into the life of someone.

Evidences of Victim Syndrome.

  1. Wrong accusation.
  2. They suffer most.
  3. They become scape goats.
  4. They experience regular attacks in the dream.
  5. They experience bad things instead of good things.
  6. They are always being disgraced after doing a good job.
  7. They are always made irrelevant where they are supposed to be honoured.
  8. They always experience bad luck where ever they go.

Causes of Victim Syndrome.

  1. Wrong foundation
  2. Wrong experience
  3. Spiritual compromiser
  4. Sin
  5. Territorial wickedness.
  6. Lack of wisdom.
  7. Unequal yoke with unbelievers
  8. Incomplete surrender to Jesus.
  9. Disobedience
  10. Wrong spiritual and physical location.
  11. Personal evil confession on someone life.

What Will You Do To Be Delivered?

  1. Recognise who you are.
  2. Make enquiry about your foundation.
  3. Identify the mistakes of your parents, and then run away from t.
  4. Accept Jesus as your personal saviour.
  5. Pray to break evil bondages in your life.
  6. Destroy evil marks through prayers.
  7. Pray for divine wisdom and favour of god.
  8. Fulfil your vows.
  9. Pay your tithe. 

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