Saturday 21 November 2015

Freedom from Depression

Men and brethren, depression will lie every day to you, and one of its best lies is that you cannot do anything to help yourself. And yes, you may have a past filled with rejection, shame and possibly abuse but obedience to Gods word will always point the way toward freedom. So, when you are frustrated, disappointed and feel the whole world has deserted you, go back to God who gave you the first dream.

Many times on the surface we get lifted, we get lifted by a song, a moment of praise, and we feel good, but we don’t live in the area of our lifting. I have come to understand that most people are depressed by something they feel on the inside, that has made their heart sick. Some emptiness, loneliness, a perception, a tragedy, an alienation, a personal thing, a past thing, an invincible thing, a hidden thing, a restricted thing, things that make the heart sick and they go down to the cage. The message is clear. When depression hits, fix your eyes on God, his power, and his love for you. God has rescued us from dark places. The scripture says “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” Deuteronomy 31:8.
The Scripture shows that depression can strike anyone. Understandably, depression can come after a defeat; an emotional let-down can also come after a great victory. Discouragement and depression are normal parts of being human. They can be triggered by the death of a loved one, illness, loss of a job or status, divorce, leaving home, or many other traumatic events. The Bible does not show God punishing his people for their sadness. Therefore, you won’t find the term “depression” in the Bible, except in the New Living Translation. Instead, the Bible uses words such as downcast, sad, forlorn, discouraged, downhearted, mourning, troubled, miserable, despairing, and brokenhearted. You will, however, find many Bible people showing the symptoms of this disease: Hagar, Moses, Naomi, Hannah, Saul, David, Solomon, Elijah, Nehemiah, Job, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Judas Iscariot, and Paul.

Sometimes, your life can be similar to a masquerade; pretending to be what people want you to be. At a certain point, depression comes often when you cannot be yourself and you depressed who you are, so that you can present what you think is acceptable to people and the pressure of that makes you depressed.
How in the world can somebody like Elijah be highly anointed and be this gifted, and be this publicly powerful and miserable all at the same time. How in the world can a beautiful girl be beautiful and feel ugly all at the same time. How in the world can you have a good job, paid very well and you are still found in a dark places? How in the world, do you dream of getting married and now you are married and still feel hopeless? Have you wondered why rich men and women die of taken hard drugs? Money was supposed to be the defence but now it has become the offence Ecclesiastes 7:12.
How in the world can things be going so good and be going so well that people are jealous of you and you are crying your eyes out in your secret dark place because you hate your own life. Here this, Elijah just called down fire from heaven. The man with the fire ministry anointing; the man through whom we learnt how to sing ‘the God that answereth by fire, let Him be my God’ after killing 450 prophets of baal fled for his life and sat in a juniper tree 1 Kings 18: 21-40.
Have you ever been in the place where the fear of things that have never happened, fears of failure, fear of defeat, fear of death knocks you down so badly that for days you had refused to eat? Therefore, through the blood of Jesus Christ, I rebuke, bind up and destroy all the spirit-guides, helps, and shields of workers of evil, and I stripped of them of their evil powers and influence against anyone and everyone reading this devotion in the name of Jesus.
Have you ever thought you have been delivered after church services, after hearing anointed messages, after fasting and prayers, and yet instead of moving forward, you relocated to the cave, in the dark place and wanted to die? 1 Kings 19:9. The bible says Elijah was fed twice by the Angel; but was that enough without taking action? Let me add that we need the word of God daily to refresh our mind and position us for generational impact. Don’t miss the daily devotion at the comfortzone because the more the word of God in you the more you are prevented from the dark places. I Kings 19:5, 7, Deuteronomy 8:3, Matthew 4:4

Have you ever gone through anything and thought you were delivered? You thought the anointing fell on you and you got a breakthrough, you cry, you were slain in the spirit, until suddenly you find yourself back in dark places. Have you ever found yourself going back to a state that you were free from?
How you see life has a lot to do with your dark place. Elijah thought he was the only one left, and he was the only one right. Have you ever thought you are the only one passing through what you are passing through, have you ever thought the enemy is all out to kill you and you have no one to assist you? How do you see life? Do you suspect anything and anyone because of fear of insecurity?
Have you turned yourself to be in the luxury of becoming the victim? You have concluded, nobody treated you right, nobody understand you right, nobody has been there for you right, nobody can date you right, nobody treat you right on your job, people always violate you somewhere, every time you want God to tell you why you are passing through what you are passing through.
Is your perception of people always wrong because they are not acting like you, not eating like you, not dressing like you, not doing stuff like you? And until you change the pattern of your perception the cycle will never stop. If God who created can ask you what are you doing here? It means you are not supposed to be in there?
And until you change the pattern of your perception you will keep chucking it down and going down, the cycle will never stop because it is coming from inside of you.

When you are in the cave, you cannot do anything for God in the cave, you cannot do anything for yourself in the cave. No preacher can set you free from depression; they can only lead you to the truth inside of you. Because the truth of your situation is inside of you, what will set you free is inside of you, and when you believe it, you get your miracle John 8:32
You must come to the door of your cave for God to set you free? Elijah came to the door of the cave. “Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD” verse 11
Expectancy will bring you to the door of the cave. An expectant mother goes shopping and prepares a nursery in anticipation of the baby. If you pay your tithes and offerings and sow regularly into God’s Kingdom, there is nothing wrong in expecting a harvest from God.
The man that shall be afflicted is the man that has nothing to expect. Paul said if we have no hope we are of men most miserable. 1 Corinthians 15:19, Proverbs 23:18, Psalm 62:5. What drives you back to the cave is when you stop expecting anything to happen
This message is coming to you so that you can believe that you can get out of your mess; that you can believe in yourself, so that you can believe that help is coming and it is not over until it is over. You are liberated from dark places. I declare you are delivered from oppression and shame! From today, you are finally set free from shame, fear, loneliness, anger, depression and rejection.

Concluding Prayer for Freedom from Depression: Awesomely Awesome God, Thank you lord, that you have borne my grief and carried my sorrows. I bless you for your grace and for loving me tenderly. Lord, in any way and every way that my sins or my emotions have taken me to the dark places; let the blood of Jesus speak for me. Lord, cause me to always fix my eyes on you even in weakness and when I have no strength to pray. Therefore, I stand by the blood of Jesus to declare, every demon sent to monitor me in dark places, to harass me, to humiliate me, every circumstances that have crossed my way uninvited. Every demon sent to make me run around life without appreciable success, sending me back and back again to depression, you demon of near success syndrome, you are now arrested by the blood of Jesus. I bind the spirit of depression, hopelessness, and anguish of soul sent to harass me or any member of my family. The enemy shall no longer hold me hostage for my light has come and therefore, I can walk FREE while in this earth in Jesus’ powerful name I pray, Amen.
By Dr C. I

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