Tuesday 17 November 2015

Capital Thinking

Men and brethren, until your mind is renewed you cannot be ushered into the realm of overcomers. (Romans 12:2). What you need to make the love in your family to be heaven on earth is capital of thinking of how to make it happen. I see people looking for Prophets that will see limitations and who is after them; you will only create more trouble for yourself by doing that. Capital (money) is not the first thing you need, what you need in life is Capital thinking. “For as he thinks within himself, so he is” Proverbs 23:7
Life is made in a way that great thinkers are change creators. You have the potential to live a life of inner peace and outer success without struggle and without endless, anxiety-producing stress and competition. And you don’t have to spend the rest of your life in a cave to do it. Therefore, your advancement in life is determined by the level of your movement of purpose after the baptism of your capital thinking. You can advance, you can move, you can become. You are one idea away to your destiny. Capital thinkers are people who through thinking keep away from people who try to belittle their ambitions because thinking is the mother of Dreams, they do not come to fruition if you do not take action. Don’t procrastinate. Start living the life you want to live today. There is always a step you can take. There is always something you can do when you start thinking right.
Your credit, debt is not the problem, your house rent is not the problem, no child of God has a financial problem, what he has is idea problem. Your situation is not a problem; your thoughts are the problem Proverbs 4:23. ‘As a man thinketh in his heart so is he’. Your ideas, your thoughts and your conviction can either make or mar you. Proverbs 23:7. A business corporation is a not a building, companies can relocate, it is not a product, because companies can change product, a corporation is a thought. What bothers me about our generation is that we are going down in ideas, we don’t feed our minds on anything, we sit down to watch reality TV, sitting down to watch people who like to fool us, we even spend our money on watching them and yet we blame God for financial losses. Those who make news don’t watch it, and those who watch news don’t make it. You must decide to make news. The ones they watch don’t watch. You are either a watcher or a player.
We have people in our generation who are famous for nothing, they don’t do anything, they don’t produce anything, they don’t have anything, and they are famous because people who have no ideas sit down to make them famous. Luke 6:43-54. When ideas stops is where economy stops, creativity stops, building, corporations all stops. Therefore, you are one thought away from a great transformation in your life; one thought away from becoming a billionaire, one thought away from becoming somebody; one thought from building a business, one thought from starting a ministry, one thought from your destiny. For the cure for aids is one thought away; the cure for cancer is one thought away; the cure of Ebola is one CAPITAL thought away. When you come into the house of God don’t ask for money, financial increase, your prayers should be father, give me an idea, give me a strategy, you are one thought away from the greatest experience you have ever had in your life.
Do you have the courage to think because if you can think, you can change? Jeremiah 29:11
Everything starts in the thought you think, you are no better than the thoughts you think. If you think little you go little; if you think weak, you go weak; if you think up, you go up.
Now is the season for you to move distractions and confusion, out of the way to find a peaceful place where you can think and ask questions, what am I going to do at this season in my life?
What can I do with the circumstances in my life, what will I learn that will take me there. What will I do to make it better? Because in the issues of life, your thoughts is either dragging you down or taking you up 2 Corinthians 10:5
Rather than concentrating on what your enemies are thinking about you, do yourself a favour and think for your future. My take on that is ‘It is not what you think about me that make me different, so why would I waste my time thinking about what you think about me when your thoughts cannot affect my own life. Most of us waste our precious time doing that. You are working on the wrong thing, stop trying to change people’s mind about you Hebrews 4:12
You don’t have time to be a steward over somebody else thought. Get your head together because Capital thoughts can become realities. It is the level to which you think that God can take the same stuff others do to make you somebody. Somebody thought up the car you drive, the shoes you wear, what are you thinking? Matthew 15:11
You are creative because you are created in the likeness of a creator. You need to be creative to live your life to its fullest potential Genesis 1:26.
God does not give you a finished product because you need something to create. God is going to give you the raw stuff to give you something to think about. So when you look at the raw material, you begin to ask questions what can I do with the stuff you gave me? Ephesians 4:23
Are you waiting for something that God has already given you? Philippians 4:8. Your thought patterns and beliefs determine your life. If you are not happy with where you are, take a look at what beliefs are holding you back from having the life you want. If you’re unhappy, you can’t expect something or someone outside of yourself to fix it. You are the only one responsible for your life. If you want to change and start living with passion, you are the one that has to act. You are one idea away from what you saw in your dreams, in your prophesies that God spoke over your life. You are not waiting on God, God is waiting on you.
One Capital thought can deliver you from your bad habits, the failures of your past, to standing up like a man and saying I am going to be defined by what is in front of me and not what is behind me. What is behind me will not control me. I will break the chain of my yesterday so that I can enter into my tomorrow. My latter days will be greater than my former days. You will not beat me because I think myself to be strong enough to fight back (Philippians 3:14). The reason you must come to the comfort zone is that every now and then people mess with your head and you need to get your head together because your head has your thoughts and your thoughts have your breakthrough and progress. Do you have the courage to think of something where you are? You have to beat this point into your head: take action, and do it now! The stars will never align. Circumstances will never be perfect. The sooner you get started, the better off you will be. You will have to make mistakes, because it is the only way.
God told Abraham do you have the courage to operate in capital thinking beyond the parameter of your location Genesis 13:14-16. He said to Abraham, what you see is what you will be. ‘So shall thy seed be’, your children will be what you see. If you see nothing, they will be nothing. If negative words have life to bring you down, positive words have life to pull you up. If you’re passionate enough and if you care enough, you will overcome any obstacles. Excuses will be a thing of the past, but if you’re determined, you will not let the smallest excuse hold you back. It’s time to awaken the giant within, operate in Capital thinking and become a creator of change.
Written by
Dr C. I.

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